It’s that time of the year again when you have to reevaluate your business goals. Although not many companies observe this, it is a good business practice to reevaluate and tweak goals in the business in relation to what you have already achieved and what you want to in the coming 6 months. Alternatively, if you don’t have written down goals, now is a great time to start. Setting your goals can do wonders. Being able to transform our ideas into tangible ones and taking a powerful step into attaining what we want from the business can be the stepping stone into achieving our goals.
Read Lover of Lists.
We set new goals for our business every New Year. However, as the year goes by, these goals are often lost in time. This is why it is always recommended to reevaluate and set new goals midyear.
Let’s take a look at eight tips for a power-packed midyear business goal setting:
Get a wish book.
Get yourself a place that you can pin down your ideas now. Go out there and get a bright book that will trigger your brain to think and cause you to write everything that flashes your mind. Let this book be the one that holds all your ideas, thoughts, act as your guide, inspires you to bring your thoughts to life, a place to evaluate and a place to tick off your goals once you’ve completed them successfully. Revisit this book often to look back at what is left to be done and what has been done. It might contain goals as well and it will certainly help you to download your thoughts and clear your mind.
Revise your goals at a regular basis.
Once you’ve written your goals down, make sure you visit them often. Work through your goals one by one and don’t hustle through them. Give higher priority to the ones that need to be done immediately. If however you haven’t set up enough goals, sit back and think what can be done. Ask yourself questions at all stages: How much have I achieved so far? What has changed in the business so far? Are the goals written at the beginning of the year still relevant or not? What more do I need to do? How far have I come with every goal? What limitations do I have? How can I overcome these limitations and achieve my goals? Asking yourself questions will make it easier for you to understand where you stand right now and what needs to be done.
Reevaluate and rewrite your goals.
Set new goals or change the past goals you have made according to situations right now. Keep your goals achievable – nothing too unrealistic for a very short time frame, relevant – nothing outside the bounds and needs of your business or your customers, time-bound – give yourself time to achieve your goals successfully and not stress yourself because of time constraints, measurable and specific. You need to be specific in addressing your goals to achieve exactly what you wish for. Be realistic about the budget (time or money) needed to implement that goal and as important, be passionate about your goals. If you don’t really care about a goal, it just won’t happen.
Start off small.
Take your main goal and break it up into smaller manageable tasks. This will help you tick of things and get done with it in a much more systematic manner. Ask yourself questions; is it possible to achieve the goal by the end of the year? What steps I need to take to achieve this goal? What should be my next 3 steps? What will be the steps after that? If I can’t achieve this goal within this year, how far can I go with it by the end of this year?
Create a timeline for the balance of the year.
Set deadlines for yourself. Think about what needs to be done every month – every little task and who will be behind every task. What do I need to do in one month, two months or three months from now to achieve my goal?
Think about your achievement.
Visualizing your achievement will make you happy and again motivate you to do better and work harder. Think about what it will feel like, what will others say to you, how it will make you feel about yourself, how you will celebrate and more. The more realistic your imagination is, the more energized you will be to achieve this goal. The clearer your imagination, the more natural it will be when we achieve our goals.
Visit & action your goals often.
Read your goals regularly – at least once every week. Do something about your goals every day. Spend time in making your goals come to life. Work things out every single day. Listing is a great method of reflecting. List what you’ve achieved so far, what the new possibilities are, things that are limiting you from achieving your goals, any advice to yourself and more. Though lists and dreams and visualization has to give way to action at some point. In taking action, doing hard work and sometimes doing tasks which are not your most favourite, or you feel you don’t have time for, are the things which achieve results. You absolutely must make time to work on your business and follow through on the activities and actions which need to occur.
Reward yourself.
Always keep track of your progress and reward yourself at regular stages. Rewards can vary but make it something you want. Take pride in everything that you do, this will push you to your best limits. Each acknowledged step helps you make the successful next step.
These are some of the ways you can set your midyear goals and stick to them. The above are self-help techniques you can use yourself. I do offer goal setting sessions where I will actually assist you to determine the best goals now for your business. Help you determine the action steps and then keep you accountable to follow through on this action. So often we set goals in place, but rarely review them and even more often, don’t achieve them and this is mostly due to lack of follow through. When I work with you, we are constantly working on the action steps required to achieve your goals and I’m keeping you on track to do what needs to be done. One client affectionately nicknamed me “Madam Lash” as I was constantly following up with her to ensure she kept on track with her actions. If you’d like to know more about my goal setting sessions, just call me on 0411 622 666 or email .