Business Marketing & Marketing Strategy

Marketing Services to Help Small Business Get Seen, Generate Business Opportunities & Improve Sales Conversions


Marketing is critical to business.  You cannot hide yourself or your business if you want to do well, succeed or grow.  With the world expanding and more people able to access many products and services worldwide, you need to be seen.  Marketing is an absolute must.  There are many options relating to marketing and for some larger businesses with a big budget, they will find an agency a great option.  I am not an agency and instead, using my business coaching, marketing and Business Development Management experience, will help you do the aspects of marketing which you can.  For tasks where you need an expert, such as Google Ads Management or website design and builds, I have great contacts – some who contract to me and others who are entirely independent.


In many other instances, I can educate, train, guide and support you in many aspects of business promotion, marketing and perception, including:

  • Blogging.  Blogs are an excellent means to add fresh new content to your website, keeping Google happy and educating clients on your expertise.  For clients (or ex clients), I can provide a blogging service, however, this is not available to non-clients at present, due to my own workload.  I can however provide education and guidance on how to blog, so you are able to do this yourself.

  • Branding & Perception.  Branding isn’t just a logo and colours.  I work with clients to understand and successfully use their brand.  If their brand wasn’t documented when the logo was created, then I’ve templates we can use to do that for you, so you and your team clearly know, and properly use your branding.  If you need a branding specialist to create a brand from scratch, I can put you in touch with some suitable service providers.  As important as having branding, is to understand and use your branding well and even to take it to the next level and work on perception (how do your prospects and clients perceive you).  I work with clients to improve all this in order to improve and help your marketing and selling positions.  Branding, perception and messaging permeate into every aspect of your business, including marketing, sales, upselling, customer service and even delivery.

  • Business Awards.  A part of marketing is getting yourself out there through a number of means, including business awards.  This is an amazing way to get exceptional (and often free) promotion of your business.  As a multi-award-winning business coach and someone who has been an awards judge for more than four years, I can help you hone in and improve your business award application.  If you don’t want to write it at all yourself, then I can connect you to an expert grant writer who will do it from scratch for you.  If you want to do it yourself, with some support and reviews, then just ask me.

  • Business Names & Setups.  Stuck selecting the right name for your business?  Not a problem, talk to me and I will help.  I can assist with getting you set up as a new business including guidance on setting up your marketing, online profiles etc.  I can help you understand all things marketing, from SEO to PPC, FB, LI, GMB and all those other acronyms in marketing that not everyone knows.

  • DIY Search Engine Optimisation (SEO).  Just as businesses can get found online via Google Ads, you can also be found online organically.   This however doesn’t just happen automatically or by magic.  There is a process, work and actions which are required to action great SEO so that you are found without having to pay for ads.  If you want someone else to do it for you, I know some great independent SEO specialists – please ask me.  If you want to do it yourself, then I can guide and teach you.

  • Google Ads Management.  If you don’t have the time to wait for SEO to take place and need business coming in the door immediately, then effective Google Ads Management may be just what you need.  It’s also a great strategy to implement whilst you wait for your SEO to take effect and even some businesses will continue to do both due to the number of leads they require to maintain sales levels and success expectations.  This service is available to coaching clients and non-coaching clients.  To learn more, go to this page.

  • Ideal Customer Identification.  Assisting you to clearly articulate everything about them.  This is particularly important for paid digital marketing so that you are targeting your ideal client succinctly and effectively.

  • Keyword Research.  Part of any digital marketing campaign is being really clear about your keywords.  Knowing which keywords work best for your competitors and will work best for you, will help you on the road to effective marketing, SEO, blogging and Google Ads Management.  I have an expert that I use for this service; reach out to me if you are interested.  This service can be provided to both business coaching clients and non-clients alike and includes tips on how to maximise your keywords for optimal effectiveness in digital marketing.

  • Marketing Education.  Do you want to understand marketing fundamentals more yourself?  Then my 7th book Magnificent Marketing might just be for you!  Check it out here.

  • Marketing Strategy Development & Plans.  Having a plan is essentially your long-term strategic ‘game plan’ to help a business achieve its marketing goals, and attain prospects which ultimately leads to increased sales and greater profit.  I will guide and help you to set up a clear plan for your 12 months of marketing.  I will help you identify strategies, what will be done when, budgets and channels.  I’m a believer in having a varied plan which encompasses both traditional and digital methods.  We will also identify who (in your particular circumstance) is best to perform each task.  I’ll provide you with a useful and practical resource to help in the process.  In some instances, you may need a connection to an expert, such as someone who specialises in Google Ads or Facebook Ads.  I have heaps of great contacts; I’ll help you get the right person for the right task.

  • Reviews & Testimonials.  Great reviews and testimonials are absolutely gold for businesses in their marketing and sales processes.  I can guide you in attracting the right reviews (that is, 5-star reviews that absolutely glow), plus what to do if you don’t get a great one.  No, sadly, you can’t just complain to Google you got a bad review from a customer and it will be removed.  Having great and effective processes to attract excellent reviews will really assist you.

  • Tenders.  Larger and longer contracts, through tenders, are an excellent way to gain and maintain a good level of business.  There are many opportunities out there, from Government work to private tenders.  There is also far more to just ‘filling out a form’ when it comes to tenders.  Not only do you need to calculate your price correctly, ensure your business is protected (within the T&Cs of the organisation) but as importantly, put your best foot forward and stand out from what could be potentially hundreds of other tenderers.  During coaching on this, I can cover with you the suitability for entering the procurement arena and bidding for work.  We will run through the pros and cons and then evaluate the actual tender, ensure you have a well-worded and presentable Capability Statement and ensure that your potential submission is optimal.

  • Website Reviews.  I will review the overall ‘look’ of your website.  Is it fit for purpose?  Does it need a ‘facelift’ or has broken links or images which don’t work in your favour?  Do the pages load slowly and, of course, other technical aspects like organic SEO, site load time and whether the site is responsive and viewable from a mobile device?  I’ll give you practical tips on what you can improve.  If you need a helping hand with your website content, or actioning a new build, just let me know; I know some excellent independent website designers that I can connect you to.  Only too happy to help; just ask.

Need just a couple of these services, or assistance with a range of them?  Just reach out to me:




Like to know more about the next step, which is sales, then click here.


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