Increase your sales using remarketing and retargeting. Even if your website is attractive to visitors, not all of them convert to actual clients or customers. In fact, I’ve read that statistics say only two percent are actually converted. At times, there are also those who just abandon their shopping carts, even with your powerful and appealing offers. This can lead to unfulfilled sales, missed opportunities and can affect your profit potential.
Always do your due diligence.
Good thing strategies such as remarketing and retargeting are available. What are these?
Imagine a potential customer coming in to your shop, look around, but then didn’t buy anything. You know it’s a potential sale and there’s a big chance that this customer will be buying a similar product anytime soon. How these strategies work is like having your sales people follow that customer around wherever he or she goes, and reminding them about your brand. It does sound a little like stalking in the real world, but in the online world, this is all part of marketing. Remarketing and retargeting are mostly the same, but the main difference is the strategy used to reach your potential customers who left your website without purchasing.
Retargeting works when you follow your website’s visitors as they browse other parts of your webpage. When someone visits your website, a cookie is saved to his or her browser. A browser cookie is a small piece of data that is sent from a website and stored on the user’s computer by the web browser that makes it possible to know what websites were visited. That cookie will then follow the user when they visit other websites. The cookie will then show an ad for your business only to those who have already been to your website. Remarketing works the same way but it uses emails instead. User’s information is collected when they visit your site, and then uses it later to send an email. The next time you log in to Facebook you’ll notice that these ads are actually from sites you’ve visited before. Both strategies will help in your overall profit especially when both are used together.
So how can these marketing strategies help you exactly? Retargeting should be used with a plan, and is most successful when paired with a great ad campaign, and excellent content marketing.
Below are some tips on how to generate sales using remarketing and retargeting.
Monitor your existing traffic users.
You may track your existing users using Google Tag Manager or GTM. This allows users to add monitoring information into your website without actually going in and changing the codes. You will need help from your developer to add the GTM code in each of your website pages. When GTM code is added, just add the tools such as Google Analytics and Facebook Tracking Pixels. You will then be able to track website visitors and apply remarketing techniques accordingly.
Learn from the past.
You can learn from previously converted visitors when creating target audience from scratch. Take different demographics into consideration, such as age, gender, location, profession, and income, and you can craft remarketing to meet the exact requirements and target your audience respectively.
Your strategy should be clear.
When users come back to your website after making a purchase, there will be a recommended section for each user which is based on their previous purchase. By knowing their previous purchase or by tracking their behaviour, such as what is left in their shopping carts, you can then provide them with targeted ads to ensure upselling. Having a “recommended for you” section can help you cross or upsell.
If you’d like to boost your sales figures, these tips can help to ensure your brand’s visibility and exposure to your existing, as well as your potential customers. (Do remember, everything you do should be suitably branded and consistent in branding).
Smart marketers are doing it, so why aren’t you, particularly if you are selling products and goods? Of course, if you are getting traffic to your website but not converting you must look at this too. How many pages on average do your visitors go to? At what place or point do you tend to ‘lose them’? There is a whole world of technology out there to improve your marketing, improve your success rate and achieve better results in your business. I think improving conversion rates should be my next blog!
I’m a business coach and can help you with your business. Call me on 0411 622 666.