My Business Tips for Christmas

My Business Tips for Christmas

When it comes to Christmas, it’s often time for a break, or building up for a business period, or winding down for a quiet period … or simply catching up with associates, friends or families.   Here are My Top Tips for Business Owners Around Christmas   Prep & Planning are Essential If you’re planning…

Why Communication is Critical in Business

Why Communication is Critical in Business

Communication is a somewhat intangible thing, and yet it can be very powerful and effective.  Communication covers so much, from team management, through to marketing and sales.  Oil isn’t what makes a great business a well-oiled machine; excellent communication is.  Below I’ve listed a heap of reasons why communication in business is so important.  I’m…

Business Grant Headaches

Business Grant Headaches?

***Guest blog post by Lisa Nardone, Director, GrantsPlus Consulting Pty Ltd – on Business Grants   If business grants give you a headache, don’t worry, you’re not alone. There are many different types of grants out there for businesses and so much information and red tape to navigate, that most business owners get a headache…