Photo credit to TheTaxHaven @Flickr
Many people say they are business entrepreneurs, but I often wonder. Here are some pointed questions for you … and please, be honest with yourself when answering.
Find out if you are really a Business Entrepreneur:
- When you go to a workshop or seminar, do you write down heaps of great ideas, but implement almost none? You get great ideas, but the follow through just doesn’t happen – for any number of reasons, but most likely because you just don’t have enough time?
- When something goes wrong (as it invariably does) do you blame it on other factors – the economy, your competition, your incompetent staff – or do you accept that YOU control your fate and be in charge of your destiny? Even something a little harder can be resolved; you might even have to ask for help – a smart person knows when to put up their hand for assistance.
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- You see someone else in business doing really well, and put it down to them being lucky or perhaps even thinking they must be ripping off people. Success isn’t about luck or doing the wrong thing by others, it’s about turning up, day in and day out and doing the ‘hard yakka’ and laying down the ground work – consistently and constantly.
- When you have a problem, do you just accept it’s a problem and feel sorry for yourself, or do you see this challenge as an opportunity in disguise? So often problems give us the opportunity to change something which isn’t working so well, and often that change (if managed well) will actually lead you to better things. Even an unhappy customer can be a wonderful opportunity if you action the situation in the right way, rather than avoid it.
- When things are going well, do you pause, be thankful and figure you can stop there? You’ve done well, or the goal has been achieved? Alternatively, do you pause, be grateful and then figure that now is the best time to keep striving forward?
If you first succeed, try something harder.
- When you wake up, can’t you wait to start your business day? Are you excited to go to work? Even whilst you are putting out the washing or walking the dog, are you thinking about all the great things you will action that day? Are you passionate about what you do? Are you positive, energised and motivated? If the answer is no, then I hope you are making a heap of money, because if you are not, then I can’t help but wonder, why are you in business?
Yes, tough questions, but sometimes we need someone to ask the hard questions.
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