Business Analysis

Donna Stone Business Coaching Business Analysis


Marketing Message Audit

As an ex BDM (Business Development Manager), long-term consultant and business coach of 10+ years doing business analysis, I see many instances where the marketing or sales message is sadly lacking.  There is not a single business I’ve gone into that I haven’t seen room to review for improvement – sometimes massive amounts of room.

In today’s age, I believe more than ever those of us in business have to do business better and be particularly savvy when it comes to bringing in new business.  Marketing can no longer be fly by your pants, ad hoc or random.  You need strategy and as importantly, the right message.  That message may be in your words, imagery and even perception, including your branding.

In this business analysis audit of your marketing message, I will:

  • Review your online profiles – such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Yellow Pages, True Local (max of 5)

  • Review your website – what is the experience of the user and is the message the best it can be?

  • Provide suggestions, recommendation and advice in respect of your online presence.

  • Examine your printed marketing material (ie brochures/flyers) for areas which can be improved.

  • Provide a detailed report which will highlight areas for improvement and provide a list of recommendations for improvement.  If you need the connection to a reliable, quality and trustworthy website designer, or additional services by Stone Business Coaching, then that is on a quote by quote basis (or through my coaching programs) and is entirely optional.  This is a quality stand-alone service and is not a feeder to push my coaching services.

Price:    $995+GST (5-7 hours)



Sales Message Excellence Development

Dare I say that the sales process is even more important than marketing.  If you get in 100 lead opportunities but your conversion rate is only 1% then this is a concern.  Firstly, you are spending money on marketing, you are spending time handling those enquiries and quoting with next to no positive outcome.  Handling an enquiry takes time and money and whilst the cost of doing business, it does chew into our bottom line.  For this reason, we need to be constantly improving our sales ability in order to convert more prospects into paying clients or customers.

In this service, I will:

  • Review your overall sales process.

  • If you don’t have a sales process – then I’ll spend up to 2 hours helping you create one.

  • Review your sales templates, standard emails and letters.

  • Review your usual responses during the sales process and usual communication with a prospect.

  • Provide you with a detailed questionnaire on what you do in your sales process which covers an extensive list of items – in order to ensure you have maximised your efforts to achieve optimum results.

  • Provide you with a report of recommendations and suggestions.

Price:    $1895 + GST (10-12 hours)



Business Review Meeting conference


Financial Reports Review

Ensuring your bookkeeping is right is so important.  5% of businesses fail due to poor bookkeeping.  Without accurate and timely data how can you know how your business is travelling, make informed decisions or chase delinquent customers for payment?  How would you sleep the night before a tax or GST audit?  With more than 10 years’ experience coaching businesses, accounting qualifications, plus 15 years running bookkeeping and consultancy businesses around Australia – I know figures.  My advice will be well-informed, practical and will not only give you peace of mind but will include tips to improve your business.

I will first send you a questionnaire about your bookkeeping and finances including a list of reports that I will ask you to send me.  I do not need access to your accounting file.  This is done in total confidence and I am happy to sign a confidentiality agreement upon request.  I will assess, examine and analyse:

  • Your month by month figures – what stands out (good and bad), what looks to be missing and generally your performance.

  • I will give you recommendations on your Accounts List setup and generally how you structure things.

  • I will analyse trends and highlight any areas of concern.

  • I will give feedback on possible queries, errors in your figures.

  • I will provide recommendations, tips, suggestions, feedback on all reports with the view to providing you information and ideas on how to improve your financial standing, bookkeeping and overall improve the position of your business from a finance perspective.

Price:    $795 + GST (between 4 and 5 hours)



Business Review


SWOT Analysis & Recommendations    

A SWOT is a detailed look within a business (including the business owner) of what are the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.  It’s more than just making up some lists and then putting them away.   In this service I will:

  • Provide you with the relevant SWOT and instructions.

  • If your responses are looking “light”, I will dig deeper with you to draw out even more.

  • From there we will look at how strengths and opportunities can be explored and capitalised upon.

  • We will also look at the weaknesses and how they can be turned around and improved upon.

  • The threats need strategy on mitigation; we can’t always remove a threat, but can reduce its potential impact.

  • Included are two x 1-hour coaching sessions (via phone) where we work on each aspect of your SWOT with clear and decisive action steps to improve and strengthen your business.

Price:    $595 + GST (3 hours)



Complimentary Business Analysis

In this analysis, you will be asked a number of questions (some of which might be a little challenging) which will highlight strengths and weaknesses of you and your business.  Included in this review will be a brief list of recommendations.  Before I can offer this service, I do need to speak to you over the phone first.  This offer is open to Australian businesses only and subject to availability/suitability.

Price:    Complimentary


*Please be sure to include a phone number.

Select 2 of the above (exclusive of the complimentary) services and get a total of 5% off.  Select all three (exclusive of the complimentary) and get a total of 10% off.


Complimentary Business Review Checklist


If you have questions, please email me at or ring 0411 622 666.  Make a positive difference to your business today; reach out to me and we’ll get the ball rolling.


I highly recommend Donna Stone, Business Coach. Donna provides comprehensive tailored solutions for business growth and success. As a Chartered Accountant, I have crossed paths with many business coaches over the years, but Donna is the only coach that I recommend.
–  Janelle Bartlett, Chan & Naylor Redlands & Brisbane

Donna has great insight into small business and gives very practical coaching advice to help move your business forward. The systems and practices that she has helped me to identify and establish, have really streamlined our communication and increased our productivity. I highly recommend her services to others.
–  Lisa Nardone, GrantsPlus Consulting, QLD

Donna applies practiced and disciplined rigor to reviewing one’s business with rewarding results. In addition, she networks with many fabulous, achieving, ethical businesses in the Redlands again yielding rewarding results for one’s own business.
–  Dr. Gertrude Behan, Bayside Cosmetic Clinic


List of Relevant Articles:

New Business Year: 12 Things to Review & Do

What Makes A Great Website?

How Reviews, Audits and Awards Can Improve Your Business

9 Positive Things to Remember in a Downturn

How to Avoid Business Plummeting 

The Importance of Diversification in Business

Have Your Exit Strategy in Place When You Start a Service