As previously advised I now have my Registered BAS Agent Number (plus a couple of the team are in the process of gaining theirs) and accordingly, you may be eligible for the extended deadlines. Essentially, as a client of Stone Consulting, if we lodge your BAS electronically and all your obligations are quarterly, then you can have an extra month to pay your BAS.
This is not applicable for those who lodge paper forms. Many of our clients have enjoyed the ease of electronic lodgments through us for some time however, I would like to make an offer to any client who has not use our electronic service – one free Electronic BAS lodgment simply by mentioning this Client Alert. After seeing how easy and efficient the electronic system is, and having the extra time to pay, I’m sure you’ll see value in utilising this service in future. Simply let any of our team know you’d like to trial the electronic method for your next BAS. Valid till 15th November 2010 and one per client.