Donna Stone is a business coach with three decades of experience. She grew her own business from a garage to be a multi-award winning operation that spanned five locations nationally. For almost a decade she has been sharing this knowledge and expertise with clients to guide them in their own success. Donna works with business owners and other business coaches, consultants and trainers to help them build their own success. Her Coach the Coach ™ program has proved exceedingly popular, as has her life coaching services. Donna is a prolific writer with hundreds of articles written and seven books published. Visit

we need to re-energise our leaders

We Need to Re-energise Our Leaders!

We talk frequently about staff being worn out (and yes, totally agree) but what seems to be forgotten is that leaders are feeling weary too.  They are responsible for their team, pressured to still meet deadlines, KPIs, budgets and milestones and all the while supporting everyone else.  Too often, leaders are being pulled in multiple…

Free Zoom Vs Paid Zoom

Free Zoom Vs Paid Zoom

With COVID we have all learned and become more comfortable with Zoom.  In fact, most people know Zoom and use it.  Sure, there are still other apps and alternatives to Zoom, including Microsoft Teams, Skype, Google Meet and Go To Meeting – plus quite a few more.  I’m no tech-head, but as an experienced business…