Donna Stone is a business coach with three decades of experience. She grew her own business from a garage to be a multi-award winning operation that spanned five locations nationally. For almost a decade she has been sharing this knowledge and expertise with clients to guide them in their own success. Donna works with business owners and other business coaches, consultants and trainers to help them build their own success. Her Coach the Coach ™ program has proved exceedingly popular, as has her life coaching services. Donna is a prolific writer with hundreds of articles written and seven books published.
Selling a business isn’t as easy as you might think … and can be hard work, although the rewards can be substantial if you’ve built up a great asset. This article is working on the premise that you have taken all the steps to grow your business and prepare it for sale … and now…
Frequently I am guiding coaching clients and blog readers to try things and give things a go, and not quit, though I did want to alert you now to do your due diligence when operating a business. Let me share some ideas on when to do due diligence: Trying a new…
As a business coach, I often have people come to me who are considering going into business. I’ll chat with them, do a business analysis and often play ‘Devil’s Advocate’ by asking many often challenging questions. I don’t want someone to go into business for the wrong reasons. Read Examples of How I’ve Made a…
As a business coach, I meet with and work with a huge variety of people. When talking about sales and marketing, a common expression I come across is “I tried that and it doesn’t work!” and thus are not willing to consider that idea again. Read Ensuring you and your business stand out from…
Whether you’re running a successful business, spearheading a spectacular career or wanting to be a productive person, mastering your time is critical. I say mastering your time, rather than managing it, because it’s about using the time you have well. We all have the same time, so saying “you have more time than me” is…
When it comes to public speaking, presenting or delivering a speech, it can be nerve racking but it’s also an important skill to master if you wish to become an exceptional leader. Here are some tips on how to make a great presentation: Know your material and prepare for difficult…
In the course of my week talk to many different businesses and I often wonder if they are giving their clients and customers what they want? In business, we might prefer to offer a particular service, but I wonder how often business owners are not ‘listening’ to their clients and in fact offering something they…
Whilst an online store is a relatedly new concept, business owners by the droves are flocking to this concept. Unfortunately there are a few misconceptions about the ease of setting up an online store or business and quite often those without business or marketing nous don’t take the right action. Below are my top 20…
I’ve got 30 years’ experience in the industry as well as coaching and consulting that I’ve come up with some tips to a healthy business. As I write for other great business websites, I’d like to share this one I originally wrote for BusinessBusinessBusiness. Top 9 Tips to a Healthy Business: Debt collection Cash is…
So often in business we want to exceed client expectations, gain new business and keep clients happy. This is great and I have no problem with this and in fact encourage it. What I do want to ensure is that business owners don’t become slaves to their business and their clients. Find out Tips on…