Donna Stone is a business coach with three decades of experience. She grew her own business from a garage to be a multi-award winning operation that spanned five locations nationally. For almost a decade she has been sharing this knowledge and expertise with clients to guide them in their own success. Donna works with business owners and other business coaches, consultants and trainers to help them build their own success. Her Coach the Coach ™ program has proved exceedingly popular, as has her life coaching services. Donna is a prolific writer with hundreds of articles written and seven books published.
One of the most painful aspects of being in business is getting paid. If you’ve been in business more than five seconds and offer credit, then you know what I am talking about. There is everything from the “I’m not happy so I’m not paying” comment, right through to complete ‘ghosting’ where you are completely…
The face of the bookkeeping industry is hugely changing. The last 5 years have seen massive changes and I don’t believe those changes will stop, pause or even slow down. In fact, I believe they will accelerate. So what are those changes? The three main changes in the bookkeeping industry…
The Aussie Federal Budget was handed down this week – and somewhat earlier than usual. Our Prime Minister, Scott Morrison states this as “the first budget plus in 12 years.” Yes, we will all see this is a free election budget as it benefits many. I’ve broken this up into Business, Individual and General. …
Many have heard this expression; but do we really understand what it means? I’m going to look at what it means to work ON your business (versus IN the business) and why it’s important as a business owner to work ON it. What exactly is working IN a business?…
There are multitudes of ways we can improve our businesses. The list is almost endless. Common areas are improving marketing, enhancing our sales techniques or lifting our customer service. There are other ways which can often very effectively improve business and I wanted to share those with you now: …
After attending an International Women’s Day (IWD) High Tea this week I got to thinking about one of the speakers. This lady has had the most shockingly awful childhood. The word ‘tough’ doesn’t even scratch the surface. But what is extraordinary is the direction she took, what she has achieved and where she is today. …
I mentor and coach a number of leaders in business, new managers and new owners. Often what comes up is the person’s lack of confidence in their role. One or two have even asked, “Am I a fraud?” Let’s look at how to build your confidence to become a great leader. …
Three years ago I wrote this article about perception in business for another website. Perception is very important in business. You should know how you are perceived as a business owner and how your business is perceived by others such as your clients, prospects and even competitors. Have a read from my own blog…
When it comes to business marketing, we can afford to make little mistakes but we need to get it right fairly quickly. Many think it’s about the cost of failed marketing, and certainly, that is very relevant. You stuff up an advert or message and you’ve wasted that money. But it’s more than that. It’s…
I always say, if you are in business then you are in sales as you need to sell your products or services. Tenacity is important in the sales process as well. A no is not a definite no forever, it’s a no for now or for the particular product or…