Donna Stone is a business coach with three decades of experience. She grew her own business from a garage to be a multi-award winning operation that spanned five locations nationally. For almost a decade she has been sharing this knowledge and expertise with clients to guide them in their own success. Donna works with business owners and other business coaches, consultants and trainers to help them build their own success. Her Coach the Coach ™ program has proved exceedingly popular, as has her life coaching services. Donna is a prolific writer with hundreds of articles written and seven books published.
Managing Tall Poppy Syndrome Tall Poppy Syndrome (TPS) is an Aussie and NZ thing, and to some degree, also England. It refers to “cutting down the tall poppy” where you criticise others for their success, talents and achievements. Some believe it’s a by-product of our cultural value of everyone being equal. Equality is fair…
When it comes to Christmas, it’s often time for a break, or building up for a business period, or winding down for a quiet period … or simply catching up with associates, friends or families. Here are My Top Tips for Business Owners Around Christmas Prep & Planning are Essential If you’re planning…
So why does trust even matter? Trust impacts on social, business and work relationships. You build better relationships when there is trust involved. People (Co-workers, friends, clients, staff and even suppliers) are all more engaged, effective, productive, helpful and caring when they genuinely trust you. There’s a well-known expression “People do business with people they…
More people than you know have their Facebook (FB) profile hacked daily. In fact, 300,000 FB accounts get hacked every single day. After 20 years of being safely on FB, I joined those ranks and it’s been a learning experience. But it’s not just FB that gets hacked every day; emails are hacked, phones and…
Some will wonder why should we push ourselves outside our comfort zones. After all, often our comfort zone is well – rather comfortable, easy and non-challenging. It doesn’t really require too much work and often allows us to be a little laid back. However, often until you do push yourself a little (or a lot)…
If you’re in business, then reality is, you’ve got sales to action, so of course your sales conversion rate is important. As an experienced business coach and marketer, I know some people just say “so do more marketing” but can be wasteful. Firstly, you’re wasting marketing dollars with potentially ineffective means to convert those opportunities…
I’m a huge fan of business coaching – of course. I chose to pursue this career direction and operate this business because I truly believe that it works. Whilst there are many fabulous business coaches out there, unfortunately, there are also some, well, less than ethical business coaches operating. In this blog I’m going to…
It’s not uncommon for business owners to work excessively long hours, especially in the early years of their business, but even beyond that. Hence, burnout is a very real possibility. I’m often saying to my Business Coaching clients that business is a marathon, not a sprint and you need to pace yourself. I’ve broken burnout…
I was recently asked to speak at a business networking group, and chose the very popular subject of sales (tips). It was interesting, some of the participants said there were some items in my presentation they knew, but they were not doing. The reminder was timely. Even if you feel you’re good at sales, still…
Although I’m a business coach, I am also a dog lover. Big time! It doesn’t matter what type of dog – large, small, pedigree or bitzer (don’t really like the word ‘mutt’) – most dogs are awesome. There are lots of great reasons to have a dog in your business or office. Check out below; I’ve…