Many accountancy practices are very busy and just don’t have time to blog. Between meeting with new clients, preparing returns and financials, providing advice, signing off on work you supervise, running a business … when would you have time to sit down and write a blog article?
Read Don’t Clown Around in Business
Here are the mistakes traditionally made by accountants (and in fact most professionals) when it comes to blogging:
Not do it
A blog isn’t just about being seen, or improving your Google ranking, it’s also about demonstrating your expertise. 67% of prospects check you out online before they even pick up the phone to talk to you about your services. If you have no presence or a poor presence, they won’t even pick up the phone.
Doing it once every few quarters or years
Blogs usually have a posting date on it, so if the last blog post on your website is dated February 2015 or September 2014, then you may well be telling your prospect that you’re too busy for them, or don’t care about the details.
Having your Office Junior or Receptionist write it
Unless they have a gift for writing, understand SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) and know marketing, then they are not the right person for the task. Blog writing might seem easy, but there is an art to it.
Not multi-purpose the blogs they do write
It takes time or money to blog, so why not maximise that work and share it across social media, mention it in your clients’ newsletters and generally repurpose the blog to be used a few different ways?
Copying from a library bank of articles
This is probably the most critical item, so I’m going to expand on it a little bit more.
When you put an article up on the website (ie blog) Google ‘checks it out’ and will quickly ascertain if it’s original fresh content or was copied. If you copy from someone else’s site then two things happen. Firstly their site gets advanced up in ranking, and secondly yours gets bumped down. I’m always delighted when a competitor copies one of my articles and gives me a boost up! So, if you use an article from a ‘bank’ of articles (without a substantial rewrite) if another firm has already used that article, guess what, you will get slapped down and they get bolstered up.
When I write articles, each one is especially written for you and you alone. I scan all my articles through a copyright screening and plagiarising program and you’re given a screen print proving its originality. Remember SEOs such as Google love fresh and new content. If you’d like me to help with your blog writing, call me on 0411 622 666 or email I’m a business coach with a marketing slant, multi published author, and I love writing.