Here’s an important business tip: Don’t clown around in business.
Read Always Do your Due Diligence
Here are 7 things you should NOT be doing in business:
Bury your head in the sand.
If you are struggling, not getting in new business, losing customers or struggling financially, then get help now, whilst it’s fixable. These challenges are like a cancer; if you leave it to run its course, it will get to a point that it’s un-operatable.
Send out an email, blog or newsletter to thousands without someone proofing it.
I can recall my worse slip …. a newsletter to about 20,000 people talking about public speaking … except we lost a letter and the word was ‘pubic’.
Slack off re staff.
Have agreements, pay their super and correct level of pay. Each 1st July there is a pay rise, but I know one business owner who declared he couldn’t afford to pay his staff more, so simply doesn’t implement the pay rise. Very unwise.
Spend money you don’t have.
I was really appreciative when one client (around a year ago) I was writing for said she was short of funds at the time, so asked me to pause. Far better to slow spending, than to string along your suppliers after the act. I really appreciated that communication.
Neglect your own cashflow.
If you are slow invoicing, or behind in it, or don’t track the extras and variances with diligence, then you’re doing both yourself and your business an injustice.
Don’t debt collect.
This should happen every week, not just when you run out of money. Statistically 75% of business do not ring their clients and ask to be paid and I know from decades of real word experience that if you don’t chase, some people just don’t pay.
Market your business only when things get quiet.
Another poor choice to make. This is sure to perpetuate the up and down work cycle. You get busy and stop marketing, then you get quiet and resume marketing and all along the way you wonder why you have no consistency of workload.
I hope each of the above gives you food for thought and you avoid these errors with diligence. If I can help in any way; whether it be coaching, writing or implementing marketing plans, please don’t hesitate to contact me. Call me at 0411 622 666.