Getting the right start to our day is critical to having both an effective and productive day – not to mention one that you will enjoy. Here is what you need to do:
Exercise. The best way to start a day is to get the blood flowing. Get up half an hour earlier and do some laps in the pool, or take a cycle, jog or even just walk the dog around the block. You will feel alive and energised and ready to start a spectacular day!
Turn up on time. Whether it’s to a client’s office, your own office or to work – turning up on time not only leaves the right impression with colleagues, bosses or clients – it also puts you in a better frame of mind. Turning up late makes you feel flustered and look disorganised.
Eat well. Having a healthy and nutritious breakfast is a must. Avoid the boxes of cereals, pastries or commercial shakes which are filled with ice-cream and sugar. Go healthy, wholesome and natural with things like eggs, yoghurt or fruit. Remember that breakfast is the most important meal of the day and is the fuel for your body to keep you going all day.
Start with a clear desk. Last thing of the day be sure to clear your desk and tidy up so that you start with a clear desk. Try to clear your emails. If you have to resume a task, still pack it up. There is nothing worse than starting a fresh day with a mess in front of you; you feel inundated before you have even commenced.
Get a good attitude. If you are not a morning person, try your best to not be moody. Be present, greet your co-workers or staff in a positive manner. Reading daily affirmations or a page from an inspiring book whilst eating breakfast can be great too. If you can’t function before a coffee, then have that at home before you arrive.
Schedule your productive work at optimum times. We are all different. Some of us work best at 10pm, others at 4am. Work out what time of day you are most productive and do both the hardest and most important tasks at this time, and leave the less important tasks for the afternoon. So if you are a morning person, then perhaps returning (non-urgent) phone calls is best allocated for the afternoon.
Plan your Day. It may be worthwhile to allow only half an hour for emails first up. Hit what is urgent and then move onto your planned activities for the day. You may find it useful to set an alarm so that half hour doesn’t blow out to 2 hours. Have a “Today to Do” list and ensure these items are actioned first, but don’t put more than 3-4 items on that list as it’s very disheartening to not be able to complete a list; be realistic. Then revisit emails again perhaps mid day and again towards the end of the day. Emails should be done in batches for maximum time efficiency, not as they arrive one by one.
Check in. If you have team, then spend five minutes with them at the beginning of the day to just touch base. It not only keeps you in the loop, but your staff feel a better connection to you, and often these impromptu chats give you great information about what is happening, not to mention your opportunity to share tactics with that person. However, it’s best done standing (not seated) so 5 minutes doesn’t become a half hour.
Remember this – only one person has the ability to spoil your day – you!
Make a magical day!
About Donna Stone
Donna Stone is a published author of the very popular “Stepping Stones Series” – a trilogy of books containing over 750 business tips, available via Also a speaker and consultant in the bookkeeping industry. She won “Networker of the Year” for 2010, 2011 and 2012. Check out Money GemStones.Connect with her thru Facebook, Linkedin, Google+ and Twitter. Watch videos here.