As we enter 2014, here are some tips that we can all do to create more positive outcomes in our lives. These are all beneficial for our personal, professional and business life – as our lives are a mix of all. I don’t believe we can have brilliant businesses if we are personally unhappy or in bad health.
Plan HOW you will achieve success this year!
Please, don’t even think about setting New Year’s Resolutions. By February, statistically 97% of these will have failed. Instead, sit down now and work out what you want to achieve this coming year. Put it on paper. Then when you have done this, write down the strategy (the how) you will achieve these goals. Be specific and detailed and include due dates of when each of these actions will occur. Then put these goals / action sheets up somewhere you will see daily. On the wall of your office or even laminate them and stick in the shower. You might even do this as a spreadsheet, or ask the individual action tasks to your Tasks in Outlook – as reminders of action to take.
Focus on What Makes You Feel Good – Mentally & Physically
One simple way to energize your life, create more time, and be more productive is to feel inspired. When you focus on what is joyful, you bring more joy into your life. Take time to engage in your hobbies, read inspiring books, or listen to music that you love. You don’t have to wait for inspiration: find it by focusing on what gets your mojo working, and you’ll energize every area of your life. Remember that being in good physical shape, healthy and fit will give you the energy to be more productive in your work as well. Starting every day with a bit of exercise gets the blood flowing, and you ready for action.
Don’t just talk about balance – make balance!
Ask yourself why you went into business? So many of us say it was to have time for family, or give us freedom to do the things we like, and yes, to have money. How many of you have achieved those objectives? Do you miss out on time with the kids, or just never get away on that overseas holidays because of time restrictions? Make one of your goals to have balance … and work out how that is going to happen? Will you diarize personal time, or book a holiday now and stay committed to it? Your goal of balance (like all other goals) won’t happen if you don’t put a plan in place.
Seek out Help
So many business owners try to do it all by themselves. If you are struggling with your figures, ask your Accountant for guidance. If you don’t know how to market your business or grow it, or deal with its challenges, maybe it’s time to chat to a business coach or instructor. Is your bookkeeping causing you pain? Social media got you stumped? Experiencing staffing challenges? Ask for help, and ask those you trust and respect for introductions to these people. I connect so many people up through networking … just ask me, and happy to introduce you to some great helpers.
Repeat Positive Actions. Repeat, repeat, repeat…
Making change stick isn’t about buying abdominal contraptions, chomping nicotine gum, or purchasing a fancy software program which will organize you and your business. True change doesn’t allow for shortcuts. It calls for willingness, commitment, discipline and repetition. The key element to making change stick is a forty-day practice of repeating new behavior. It’s this repetition that will allow you to truly make your desired change last. Indeed, neurobiological studies show that forty days of repeating new behavior reprograms your brain by reversing neural pathways. It’s this reversal that changes your patterns and behaviors and, therefore, your life.
Wishing you a very prosperous 2014 – but it’s up to YOU to make it happen!
About Donna Stone
Donna Stone is a published author of the very popular “Stepping Stones Series” – a trilogy of books containing over 750 business tips, available via Also a speaker and consultant in the bookkeeping industry. She won “Networker of the Year” for 2010, 2011 and 2012. Check out Money GemStones.Connect with her thru Facebook, Linkedin, Google+ and Twitter. Watch videos here.